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Hello friends, welcome to our website. My name is Nick. I have prepared this website by coding myself for all of you. on this website, you have been provided with all kinds of symbols. Which you can copy and paste with one click.

The purpose behind creating this website is only to save time for all of us. It is absolutely free for you to use this website. you can use it as much as you want

⇌ ↙ Pfeil-Symbole ★ ☆ Stern-Symbole 💝 ❦ Herz-Symbole " "Interpunktionssymbole ➊ ➓ Zahlensymbole ⅛ ⅗ Bruchzahlensymbole ⌇ ⌗ Technische Symbole ◢ ▷ Dreieckssymbole ║ ┅ Linien-Symbole ▇ ▣ Quadrat-Rechteck-Symbole ╅ ┗ Eckensymbole ζ Ξ Griechische Symbole ㊏ ㊣ Chinesische Symbole ぴ コ Japanische Symbole ㅍ ㅝ Koreanische Symbole 𝕫 𝕁 Lateinische Symbole ◒ ❂ Kreis-Symbole √ ∞ Mathe-Symbole Männliche weibliche Personen Smiley-Symbole ℃ ☂ Grad Wettereinheit Symbole ♬ 🎶 Musiknoten Symbole ♜ ♤ Schachkartensymbole $ € Währungssymbole © ☎ Urheberrecht Markensymbole 〖 〙Klammer-Symbole